Longo Family Diversity Scholarships in Small Business Entrepreneurship

IMPORTANT NOTE: To qualify for this scholarship, students must log into MyHumber, click on Student Awards and Financial Aid, and then choose Apply for Financial Aid.

Presented to full-time students in any program of study within The Longo Faculty of Business who self-identify as an Indigenous Person or a member of an equity-deserving group(s). The successful recipients will demonstrate financial need and maintain high academic standing (GPA 75%+). Applicants will demonstrate engagement with entrepreneurial activities, interest in small business management, and will possess the leadership qualities to become a successful future entrepreneur. A letter of reference from an instructor, advisor or employer attesting to the applicant, entrepreneurial activities and leadership skills is required. Through the application process, students will outline their qualifications through their response to a series of essay-style questions, and provide a short brief about their business idea. The recipient will be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person.

Longo Faculty of Business
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a member of the Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship?
  2. Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur now or in the future, and why? For example, have you undertaken, or do you wish to develop a business, product, venture, or idea? Please briefly describe what it is and the benefits it will provide.
  3. Please tell us what have you done in your academic career, work, or extra-curricular life that you would consider as exhibiting entrepreneurial spirit or skills?
  4. Please provide a reference.